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Introducing our stunning Purple Heart Bouquet, a delightful arrangement of purple roses and white tulips that is sure to capture the heart of your loved one. This exquisite bouquet is a perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or just to show someone how much you care. The combination of vibrant purple and crisp white creates a truly beautiful and elegant display that will brighten up any room. Surprise that special someone with this thoughtful and stunning bouquet, and watch their eyes light up with joy. Make a lasting impression with our Purple Heart Bouquet, available for delivery today.

The bouquet will be 12 roses + 1 tulips

                                 18 roses + 1 tulips

                                 24 roses + 2 tulips

Purple Heart Bouquet

PriceFrom C$95.00
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    —Markham Location (NEW LOCATION)

    D9-28 South Unionville Ave

    Unionville, ON

    L3R 4P9

    —North York Location

    234 Sheppard Ave West, Unit B

    North York, ON

    M2N 1N1




    Business Hour:

    Markham(Unionville) Location

    Mon-Sat: 11:00 AM - 17:00PM

    Sun: Close (Pick up at North York Location or delivery)

    North York Location

    Mon-Sat: 11:00AM - 18:00PM

    Sun: 11:00AM - 16:00PM

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