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Our Red Velvet bouquet is the perfect choice for your Valentine's Day gift. This stunning bouquet features a collection of fresh red roses, carefully hand-picked to ensure the highest quality. The rich, velvety petals of these roses are sure to convey your love and appreciation to your special someone. With its elegant and timeless appeal, the Red Velvet bouquet is a classic choice that will leave a lasting impression. Give the gift of romance this Valentine's Day with our Red Velvet bouquet.

Piucture shows 20 roses 

Red Velvet

PriceFrom C$119.00
  • Due to the high volume of delivery orders for Valentine'sDay, the delivery time will be from 8am to 10pm on Feb 13th and 14th. We cannot guarantee an exact time, if you need a specific time, please try to pick up the order in store.


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